Questions and Answers Click on each question for the answer.
                  Please note: The numbered sequence of these questions may change.
  1. What does the name "AV7" stand for?   What does it mean?
  2. On what basis is AV7 claimed to be an "accurate literal translation"?
  3. Is the AV7 Bible affiliated with any particular religion or denomination?
  4. When will a complete Old Testament be available in the AV7 format?
  5. What is the difference between "interpretive paraphrase"
    and "interpolative augmentation"?
  6. Why does the Cordial Invitation on the last page of AV7 indicate that salvation
    is a choice? Doesn't that notion conflict with the doctrine of predestination?
  7. Which Greek and Hebrew source texts does AV7 use?
  8. Why does AV7 Ephesians 2:8 read "By grace you are being saved ..."?
  9. Why does AV7 replace the word "brethren" with the word "family+"?
  10. Why does AV7 use the word "faith" in Galatians 5:22
    instead of "faithfulness" as some other versions of the Bible use?

    Answers for the following questions will be added here shortly.
  11. How were the passages in AV7 that are called "most essential" selected?
  12. Why does AV7 begin with the book of John instead of Matthew?
  13. Why are some words in AV7 shown in italics?
  14. Why do some words in AV7 have small superscript pluses appended to them?
  15. Why does AV7 use the rendering "His Only Begotten Son" in John 3:16
    instead of "his one and only son" as some others use?
  16. Why does AV7 use the rendering "grace for everyone instead of
    grace for a favored few" when some use "one blessing after another"?

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